Firsts & Milestones

first smile: 1st March 2011, 1 month old

first holiday: 9th April 2011, 2 months old

first night in her own room: 25th May 2011, 4 months old

first swim: 27th June 2011, 5 months old

first reached out to be picked up: 1st July 2011, 5 months old

first solids: 3rd July 2011, 5 months old

first sat up unsupported: 29th July 2011, 6 months old

first moved to music: 7th August 2011, 6 months old

first word: dada, 2nd September 2011, 7 months old

first tooth: 5th September 2011, 7 months old

began consistently sleeping through the night: 18th September 2011, 7 months old

first sign (baby signing): 25th September 2011, 8 months old

first waved hello: 3rd October 2011, 8 months old

first go on a swing: 15th October 2011, 8 months old

consistently began rolling over: 16th October 2011, 8 months old

dropped second nap: 27th October 2011, 9 months old

first visited Daddy at work: 31st October 2011, 9 months old

first clapped: 15th November 2011, 9 months old

first showed clear understanding of a command: 19th November 2011, 9 months old

first crawled (commando style): 25th November 2011, 10 months old

first pulled herself up to stand from sitting position: 1st December 2011, 10 months old

first ride in a supermarket trolley: 3rd December 2011, 10 months old

first blew a kiss: 12th December 2011, 10 months old

first sat up from lying position: 2nd January 2012, 11 months old

first began cruising: 16th January 2012, 11 months old

first toddling accident: 19th January 2012, 11 months old

first pair of shoes: 21st January 2012, 11 months old

first crawled (knees): 21st January 2012, 11 months old

first ever restaurant meal: 22nd January 2012, 11 months old

first snow: 5th February 2012, 12 months old

first fed herself with a fork: 16th February 2012, 12 months old

first successfully drank out of an open cup: 2nd March 2012, 13 months old

first steps: 20th April 2012, 14 months old

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